À la carte menu

The secret behind the Makery DIY restaurant is the creative social experience. Here, everybody can joyfully create their chosen meal with their partner, family, friends or colleagues. Anybody can prepare all the dishes with the given ingredients and the help of the video app, addition with the experience of the common creation for professionals and amateurs. Triumph is guaranteed!

Choose your meal!

Salt&Sugar, s. r. o.

Invoicing adress: Zochova 16/XIII, Bratislava 811 03

Identification number: 53 424 310

Registrovaná v: spoločnosť je zapísaná v Obchodnom registri, vložka: 149081/B“

E-mail: bratislava@makeryworld.com

Telefónne číslo: +421 948 851 152
Orgán dozoru: Inšpektorát SOI pre Bratislavský kraj. Bajkalská 21/A.
P.O. Box 5. 820 07 Bratislava 27.

Prevádzka: Zámocká 36, 811 01 Bratislava