The world's first DIY restaurant is coming to BRATISLAVA!

Makery is the world’s first DIY restaurant where guests cook for themselves! This extraordinary social experience is already available with us. Now you can be one of the first to buy an experience program before the premiere in the restaurant which opens in the spring. The Makery Experience is now a really special gift for everyone!

9 Štefánikova street 811 05 Bratislava

What is Makery?

Makery is an upside down restaurant concept, but how does it work? Instead of the dish of their choice, guests receive the ingredients they need to prepare the dish, on a wooden board, in small bowls, weighed and prepared. There are induction hobs on the tables, and a video app running on tablets guides you through the cooking steps.

Guests prepare their dishes side by side as a joint social program. Of course, somewhere behind every guest there is the restaurant staff, like some invisible third hand, so the necessary tools come and go unnoticed. The perfect dish can be prepared in 20-25 minutes, so everyone can feel like a star chef. Once the guests have finished their work, they then consume what they cooked at their tables where the dish was made.

It is important to note that Makery is not a cooking school. There is no teacher here, there is no need to take an exam, which means that Makery is not a school, but rather a playground where we can have an active joint experience. Experiencing success is guaranteed, and of course at the end it is not you who has to wash the dishes, because Makery does the “dirty work” for you.

So all this is a living and creative social program where the difference between company executives and employees, boys and girls, adults and children disappears in the most natural way.

How does it work?

Book a reservation

Reserve a table online like in any other restaurant.

Sit in

You get the ingredients prepared and weighed.


Prepare your own dish guided by our video app running on tablets.


In the end, everyone will happily consume their own work. Don't worry, we'll do the washing up for you!

Giving experience is the best gift!

Don't buy items of use, everyone will buy it for themselves.
Give a special experience!

Buy a voucher
“The key is that cooking becomes a joint game here.” - Forbes
All rights reserved Makery World

Salt&Sugar, s. r. o.

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Telefónne číslo: ‚0948851152
Orgán dozoru: Inšpektorát SOI pre Bratislavský kraj. Bajkalská 21/A.
P.O. Box 5. 820 07 Bratislava 27.
E-mail: [email protected]

Operation: Štefániková 19, 811 05 Bratislava